The Committee particularly important attribute Obama's vision for a world without nuclear weapons. Vision of a world free of nuclear weapons has been strongly stimulate disarmament and arms control negotiations.
As president, Obama has considered creating a new international political climate. Because of Obama, multilateral diplomacy back a central position with an emphasis on the role of the UN and international institutions.
Nobel Committee added, Obama chose dialogue and negotiations as an instrument for the resolution of international conflicts. "Thank you for Obama initiative. U.S. now play a more constructive role in meeting the huge challenge of climate change facing the world. Democracy and rights-human rights would be strengthened, "said the Norwegian Nobel Committee.
Added, is very rare that someone like Obama, who seized the attention of the world and give people hope for the future better. "Diplomacy is based on the concept that those who will lead the world to do with the basic values and attitudes that supported the majority of the world," said the Nobel Committee.
Nobel Committee also encourages plea, Obama delivered a plea that, "Now is the time for us all to carry out our responsibilities together with a global response to global challenges."
Not told
Nobel Committee Chairman Thorbjoern Jagland, Friday (9 / 10), explains, President Obama does not get a call from the Norwegian Nobel Committee, as is usually done. "Waking a president in the middle of the night is something you should not do," said Jagland.
Typically, the recipient of the call from Oslo, an hour or less before the announcement at 09.00 GMT (05.00 Washington time). Jagland added, the five members of the committee is also concerned about the winner's name would leak out before it was officially announced in Oslo, as had happened in the past.
President Obama, as stated by a senior government official, received the news he was selected as a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize with an attitude of humility.
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs got up before dawn, then woke Obama to deliver the news. "The President received with humility after selected by the Nobel Committee," the senior official said.
Very reasonable
Chairman of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Mohamed ElBaradei said the joy by giving a Nobel Peace Prize this year to President Obama.
"In less than a year in office, he has transformed the way we see ourselves and the world in which we live and revive hope for a peaceful world in it. I can not think of anyone today who is more deserving of this award, "he said.
Many world leaders to congratulate Mr Obama phrase, but many who do not agree with that award.
Palestinian Hamas group through its officials, Sami Abu Zuhri, considered it premature award. "Obama still has to travel a long journey and a lot of work to do before he deserves an award," he said.
He added that Obama only makes promises and does not provide significant contributions to world peace. "He did not do anything to ensure justice for the Arab and Muslim world," Zuhri said.
Liaqat Baluch, a senior leader of Jamaat-e-Islami, a conservative party in Pakistan, called the award a "joke" shameful.
So did Issam al-Khazraji, day laborers in Baghdad, who said, "He did not deserve this award. All of these problems, Iraq, Afghanistan, has not been completed. The man who called for change have not changed anything, "he explained.
Taliban groups also refused the Nobel Prize for Obama.
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