Take two of a woman's favorite passions - chocolate and fashion.
Combine them and what do you get?
Well, in this case it's a fashion show were the fabric for each creation is made of chocolate.
Yummy idea, no?
Well, this was the idea behind the inauguration of the 15th annual Salon due Chocolate de Paris - fashions created out of chocolate.
The show, the world largest show dedicated to chocolate, brought together fashion designers and over 140 chocolatiers from around the world.
For the 15th anniversary of the show, the pageant will be presented as a fairytale opera featuring chocolate couture dresses worn by celebrities.
The five day event October 14 - 18 will feature over 400 chocolate exhibitors.
To add sparkle to the show, the Belgian chocolate company Leonidas and Austrian crystal specialist Swarovski teamed together to build a replica of the Paris Opera with chocolate and crowned with crystals.
The delicious couture show featured model Laetitia Rey as she emerges from a golden and silver candy wrapper to reveal a outfit make of chocolate.
The sexy lingerie creation was complete with chocolate colored panties and a corset made out of dark and white chocolate.
Rey even wore one of the popular themes of fashion week stocking and garter belts - suspenders made of chocolate.
The outfit was topped with a round oversized bonnet make out of chocolate.
Definitely a yummy design.
Actress Claire Borotra wore a very sexy, form fitting, strapless mermaid gown in, what else - chocolate, plus a very sweet chocolate bonnet.
For more delight creations from the show, be sure to visit the photo gallery and the video gallery for additional coverage.
If you cannot see the photos in your E-mail or news reader, just go to Fashions Made of Chocolate - Yummy Idea?
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